We are taking responsibility for the destruction to our environments caused by human trafficking organizations, who harm people in a way that no professional organization understands how to repair.
We listen closely to people who are seen as a lost cause or unhelpable by existing professional organizations.
Because professional networks do not know how to help them, harmed people become embedded in environments in a way that speeds traffickers' co-optation of those environments through the compounding of sheer confusion, suffering, and despair.
Because of our direct collaborations with those most severely affected families and individuals, we must have a different approach than others have found. Because we are listening closely to them, they are telling us what is necessary.
They are not lost causes. They are quite clear on what’s happening.
We do know how to repair what trafficking organizations have done to them.
We are not paid for this work. Sex trafficking survivors are usually disabled in a way that separates them from economic access or participation.
But we will be increasingly paid for this work, because more and more people are beginning to recognize that they don't know the answers to why their communities are disintegrating.
They are encountering this violence themselves -- discovering they don't have a language for it.
The more people who have no where else to go for help, the more people find us.
Their safety is supported by connecting with a network where any subject can be gently, respectfully broached, where inclusive dialogue can always be expanded, and our intentions are set toward taking action toward solutions together.
Those who recognize the benefits to their daily survival choose to collaborate in strengthening and building out our infrastructure.
More people are becoming severely disabled and victimized by human trafficking operations every day.
So it's a matter of time.
Put up our feet, pour a sparkly fermented drink…
and sing campfire songs while we wait? :-)
Responsibility, Relief, Relaxation, & the Radio Rig • Generative evolutions, multidimensional meaning-making, friendship between lifeforms, & deep-growth Intuitive process
Collaborative visual art & presence manifestations by Megan Elizabeth Morris with the gracious assistance of Midjourney AI • 26 July 2022 • Facilitate flow & continued public expressions: paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles (gratitudes)
To search for high quality exports of this image and to request a print purchase, save this post, keep this ID handy & ask the artist for assistance: da634c3e-f77b-4b87-a556-fb962097e4ba • t.me/IntuitiveGallery/176, t.me/MaxMoRadio/5301, t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/12, t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/10796, t.me/RadioPublicaIntuitiva/1601
t.me/IntuitiveAI/645, 20220810-111224