AAC (Augmentative & Alternative Communications)
Communications disablement is relieved and reversed through the use of AAC devices and applications.
The Intuitive Network infrastructure we've built — using Telegram Messenger as a hub — is an AAC (Augmentative & Alternative Communications) device.
See this article for more information about AAC supports:
When people join us on Telegram to dialogue, collaborate, and coordinate solutions in the Intuitive Network, the most severely affected disabled and invisible people have a radically increased opportunity to be part of any community body.
When individuals and organizations we wish to communicate with are not able to use Telegram Messenger, it often means that we are unable to communicate with them at all.
Some of us are able to make posts or send messages in very limited ways on other platforms.
But on those other platforms, we are not able to hold longer more crucial conversations in order to implement necessary, life-saving solutions for our severely affected community members…
…or to get to work on meaningful collaborative projects together…
…or even to simply be able to build life-affirming relationships through getting to know and spend time with others.
Please encourage your organization and the communities you're part of to install Telegram Messenger and join us in the Intuitive Network.
The most disabled and invisible people, our community members all over the world, request that these communication lines be opened to prevent the ways that people with disabled communications are otherwise preyed upon by opportunistic criminal elements.
Every person — no matter their lived experience, skills, or professional expertise — can powerfully improve the safety of our most vulnerable friends and colleagues.
Join us on Telegram, spend time with us day-to-day, and find out for yourself what tremendous blessings you bring us just by being yourself, honoring kindness and care, and co-facilitating these inclusive communications.
Public community collaborative arts immersion chat group (you're invited) — t.me/CommunityIPR
Reach out to founding coordinator Megan Elizabeth Morris directly: t.me/maxmorris • www.intuitivepublicradio.network/t/contact-mem