Channel The One Who Knows.
The One Who Knows... what?
The One Who Knows How: to relax the body. to restore the neurology. to sink down deep into dream traveling. to meet the challenge of the moment with awareness and Divine perception. to eschew misdirection. to profound the breathing. to locate the somatic vehicle I am traveling in... through a dream world that is rich with nutriment. to restfully expand the mindscape of the whole body… so that its roots grow deep in the earth of created physical reality. to let seep out all the motes of tension or uncertainty; of questing; of striving. to stretch and reposition for that enjoyably syrupy feeling. to innovatively reinterpret sensory inputs... to provide texture and mineral components to the structure of the flow of all necessary elements... making their way from one part to the next... to the next... to the next. to notice that the mind can relax and release all worries of mistakes or stress; whatever repeats, repeats for a reason that can be gleaned from the intuition... as a source of learning and changing. to be one's true being, deepening into sleeping, traveling through that liminal space... where this becomes that... and we move between bodies. to honor our most diverse, unanticipated, transitory experiences... without labels, without judgments; without any particular expectations.
The wind shifts.
The One Who Knows How…
…breathes and drifts…
…in the direction of solutions…
…that we discover to be miraculous.
Practice channeling this.
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