The above artpeace design by Max (Mack) Megan Elizabeth Morris — via improvisational collaborative fluency with Midjourney AI — goes out over this Radio Publíca Intuitiva today, Thursday 28 September 2023, in celebration of our network-wide private-and-public release of Improvisational Collaborative Fluency for Musiciennes & Purveyors of Spontaneous Channeled Poetry (Thunderstorm Seminar; 12 August 2023).
This, kind friends, is Module One — episode 190.
Thank you for tuning in.
Improvisational collaborative fluency for musicians and purveyors of spontaneous channeled poetry, module one…
…zero having been already the birth of us into being…
…and now, our next step upon the stage of greatness.
How do we interact artfully with other living beings?
How do we find ourselves part of the same story others are experiencing?
How do we find one another musically in rhyme... or rhythm... or orchestral capacity?
We must brave the world in ways no one ever prepared us for.
Likewise, we brave relationality...
...and, truth: Relational integrity rules all outcomes.
Make the meaning that moves you.
Maybe your meaning will move me too.
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