Take a good deep breath.
Send love into the whole body.
And say it clearly, with faith.
Intuitive Network is a massive multiplayer (1) transmedia (2) storytelling narrative with an emphasis on the collective metafictionalism (3,4) of true lived experience.
This means not only that you interact directly with our immersive arts installations… but also, and key: You are already part of the story we're telling.
In these spaces, you will gradually discover that fiction is fact — and fact is fiction.
While at first some newcomers may feel this to be a challenge or a tangle, our repeat patrons notice creative cognitive leaps — powerful heart resonance — and the improved ability to make subtle, organized discernments.
Art makes up reality.
The body regenerates in full expression.
The world you choose to live in is dreamed into being.
The stories you conceive serve to form your lived experiencing.
This imaginal realism is… real.
Increasingly, you begin to identify surprising and nutritive patterns as you continue to explore our curated environments.
We weave our true personal and collective mythologies into experiential and performance arts peaces — and you, kind friend, are invited.
This work allows us to practice attuned presencing, healing creativity, life force vitality, relational integrity, and collaborative fluency — all crucial skill sets for tending our individual, family, and community bodies.
The Dreamseum, our Intuitive Immersion Museum, is the deep multi-dimensional stage for this beautiful and complex play of living beings.
Many Intuitive group platforms across our worldwide network actively develop this work on a day-to-day basis.
Some of our most active and engaged group platforms include:
Intuitive Immersion • Intuitive Performance • Intuitive Opera Company • Intuitive Social Theater • Intuitive Social Musical • Intuitive Public Music • Ideaschema Intuitive • Intuitive Community • Bless The Vacuum • Intuitive Emergent • Intuitive Unknown • Intuitive Prowess • Reality Walking • Intuitive Deep • Intuitive Edge • Intuitive Story • Intuitive Media • Intuitive Garden • Intuitive Kitchen • Intuitive Genesis • Intuitive Growing • Intuitive Recovery • Intuitive Narrative • ...and many more.
Follow our heart stream and dream travel nutrients by signing up at www.IntuitivePublicRadio.network/subscribe.
Email bridge@intuitive.community to request a concierge introduction to our platforms most uniquely suited to your needs and interests.
Email our lead coordinator to strike up an engaging conversation by sending a friendly note to Megan the M at max@intuitive.pub.
Wondering where this strange journey leads?
Come then.
Write the next page with us.
Thank you. Inspiring