Part 1 • Love & Lightships Cosmic Cohort
A (2-part) message from the Intuitive Invisibles of this Intuitive community network

When last we spoke, we told you about this new challenge we are growing through.
(If you haven't read it yet, check out the link to the previous post at the bottom of this page.)
Many, many people have accessed and benefitted from the expanding resources of this Intuitive community network. If you are reading this, chances are that you have, too.
We'd like to talk now about the immediate and ongoing need for SAFE PLACES TO GO — the shocking absence of which every survivor of invisible violence has had to contend with once their relationships and practical resource access have been exhausted.
Once you become a person who has no where safe to go, your experience of the world may change radically. You fall below a threshold of the awareness of others around you, and suddenly, you are submitted to perpetually unaddressed violence in any situation where you thought you could trust your local community.
Communities are unaware that this is happening, because the evidence of it is continuously hidden and silenced by human trafficking organizations in their midst.
Particularly since 2016... and for many since long before 2016... we have been working to build safe recovery locations for survivors of the most severe and invisible experiences.
It can be quite difficult to understand enough about sex trafficking or human trafficking to realize that that one is being trafficked already — as Max talks about how she did not understand, when she was in Texas, that the trafficking infrastructure and operations were already built up all around her and embedded in her otherwise normal-seeming activities.
Whether someone knows themselves to be caught at trafficking intersections or not, it is essential for us to create places for people to go when they have crossed that threshold of damage from violence. There are no other places; the ones that are marketed as refuge typically turn out to have originated with or been co-opted by human trafficking influences.
People who have not yet reached that cusp of invisibility deserve support and relief, too. The more we create these resources for one another with a true form of inclusivity, the more all of us are healthy, strong, and aware of how to revitalize our families and communities. We must all work together to achieve what is needed.
All of us deserve this.
We are going to make it happen, no matter what it takes.
This is our warriorship.
Continue reading part 2 of this message:
Read the previous original post:
Part 1:
Part 2: