Safe, Inclusive Communities
Join us to organize direct health support for houseless disabled & severely disabled veterans & survivors of human trafficking.
Good morning! I'm calling from Intuitive Public Radio.
We're reaching out to find more others who are interested in collaborating to subsidize direct health supports to be delivered to disabled and severely disabled houseless veterans and survivors of human trafficking who are in need currently.
So many of our community members across the network are experiencing increased hardship now, we're so grateful to be able to contribute. We are organizing people to help fund this — and also reaching out to find people who happen to have resources that they are in a position to share.
I wonder if you can help me identify the next person I should call or email — do you happen to have suggestions?
Thank you so much for your time and insights around this important initiative! I hope you have a wonderful day, and if there's any way that we can support you, I hope you will get back in touch with us.
With joy and gladness,
Max Megan Elizabeth Morris
call me: mack, max, mo, megan
msg me:
Intuitive Public Radio is organizing collaborators to subsidize direct health support for houseless veterans & survivors of sex trafficking in our network. Many are disabled or severely disabled. All are working hard amidst extremity to build safe, inclusive community resourcing accessible to everybody. Please donate what you can on the following page, or reach out to ( to share other kinds of resourcing with our initiative. Anchoring joy & gladness, gratitude, & blessings —- Intuitive Invisibles.
Restore Healthy Communities. Join us to organize direct health support for houseless disabled & severely disabled veterans & survivors of human trafficking: donate via paypal by clicking here
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