Yesterday morning’s Intuitive Public TV Simultistream Broadcast! The live recording shared below (a little ways down this page) was made Saturday, 20 April 2024.
The next live broadcast will be arriving very shortly via social media, so make sure to follow us via the links below. We’ll be on the air about an hour from now!
Thank you all so much for joining us. What a pleasure!
NEXT LIVESTREAM: 10am-11am Eastern Time — (super seriously)
Every Single Morning for as long as my body can keep achieving it.
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Drop by and check in to find out how I’m doing. :-)
Wish to grant me great strength, stamina, and resilience?
Come spend time with us, add comments, reshare broadcast links, click likes and hearts, subscribe to our platforms and tell your friends about it.
Aid us in funding these Intuitive initiatives by upgrading your subscription to this Intuitive Public Radio Network on Substack, and by sharing what you can with our Intuitive Flow Fund via PayPal, here.
In the Intuitive Network, we build group process chats and community spaces where someone experiencing intensity, invisibility, disablement, or ongoing violence (of any kind) can be increasingly heard, cared for, respected, honored, and understood.
If you know someone who is seeking collaborative resonance and a care-oriented collective body… even (and especially) when they are encountering great adversity… even if you’re not sure what’s happening or how to understand what they’re saying… you can send them here to find us.
We are always watching for disabled and invisible people who need others to recognize their experiences. (It happened to us, too. Thank goodness we found one another — and built this Intuitive infrastructure.)
We will listen, because it matters to us. We bridge communications, resolve conflicts, regenerate nourishment, and learn how to know one another better.
However we can do so, we’ll continue working to create solutions together.
Learn more about being a vocationally-vital Storybeing in this recording of yesterday’s Simultistream.
We discussed at length how the Intuitive Network restores economic participation for those most severely affected — by deepening and expanding vocational vitality.
For transcripts, resource notes, or for other file types (audio, etc.), reach out to us by emailing or by commenting on this post. We’d love to help.