TEDx • Mark Silver • Heart of Business
Dedicate 8 minutes to watching this presentation. It's important.
I am filled with joy to have discovered Mark Silver's TEDx video today -- because it neatly, simply ties together subjects that affect all our families and communities.
Dedicate 8 minutes to watching this presentation. It's important.
We in the Intuitive network are especially energized to promote Mark's work in our spaces, as some of our most life-saving discussions are strengthened by (and emerging from) insights Mark has been anchoring for us.
He's included some key aspects of this in his TEDx talk.
For my severely disabled and severely affected community members, Heart of Business, Mark's platform, is holding crucial dialogues -- especially considering how many people in hardship are harmed by unloving or harmfully unconscious business practices that make them invisible to their communities.
Find Mark's original post on Facebook here, and follow his FB content stream.
My network collaborators and I use Telegram messenger primarily, because it has disability aid features other platforms don't have...
…but there are a lot of people in and around our network for whom Facebook is their only accessible option to share necessary communications.
I and others have been mostly or entirely cut off from Facebook a long time because of disability circumstances; and this has also cut us off from network community members we care about.
It is because of conversations like the ones Mark Silver and his community are uplifting that I notice -- even considering how difficult it's been for me with my own severe neurological experiences -- the dialogues occurring around Heart of Business are definitely giving me more facility with Facebook.
Communications resonance; physiological repair. Pretty fascinating. :-)
There are many, many of the most vulnerable and isolated people out there who need to know that these dialogues are occurring.
That means that if we find ourselves able to do so, it's our responsibility to promote these links widely cross-platform.
Individuals and families in distress need to know that these subjects matter to communities -- to professionals, to practitioners, to people in every realm of vocation -- and to the processes we all choose for implementing solutions to our biggest challenges going forward.
Here's Mark's page for this TEDx talk at the Heart of Business website: heartofbusiness.com/2023/my-tedx-talk
Here’s a YouTube embed, too:
Spend attuned time with this video and share it wherever you can reach.
Thanks for the work you're doing, Mark, and thanks for giving us the opportunity to be part of amplifying the message.
It is great nourishment.
PS, friends:
If you’d like to be part of Intuitive community dialogues about how to more widely promote the work Heart of Business is doing — especially in this case, where we are centering the experiences of the most vulnerable, severely disabled, and severely affected individuals and families enduring invisibility across all community spaces — we’d love to have you.
We don’t know anyone else (yet!) centering these aspects or these most invisible people. (Do reach out to us if you are aware of others, please.)
We are gathering strength as we gather more attention and interaction.
We’d like more business people of all sorts to know that someone is anchoring the values Mark teaches. It changes lives to know how to practice business modalities this way. We need a lot more people in every location to recognize Mark’s work — and we’re grateful for your help with that.
Our Substack is here for you to follow if you want to stay tuned to ongoing Intuitive network conversations and notice opportunities to participate, for this and for related subjects.
You can also reach out to me directly by email to max@intuitive.pub and on Telegram messenger, t.me/MaxMorris.
Okay, did I say everything?
I think I said everything.
What a great morning!
Thank you for reading.
Well worth the watch. Thank you for sharing!