these slender shoots are exploding in tiny fire-works of projectile blossoms
from Intuitive Heartbeat, 15 - 27 April 2023 (trecena Kej)
Hello, 20230427-091922 (blessings, cross-platform strategies). I honor this spacetime. I wake to the world, oh lover of mine. What a sharp, sincere, serenely sunny morning…
A number of powerful conversations are occurring across this crucial Radio Pública Intuitiva -- and we are grateful for network resonance, network resilience.
Yes, it's physical. It strengthens our bodies.
So we keep doing it.
In order to do what we're doing... we are being brave in a way that strikes new paths through unexplored territory.
This morning I took steps through the front hill garden and discovered amidst avid violets the familiar tall spindly shoots that I had previously noticed growing.
Previously, I had seen small projectiles spraying from these plants. But I had not tracked it well -- and now as I plucked dainties for my breakfast salad -- Viola fimbriatula, I think, this Northern downy violet -- and V. sagittata var. ovata -- what is this? -- violaceae, malpighiales -- many more projectiles were spontaneously propelled upward around my calves and knees.
I tracked one with my eyes and picked it up. A tiny curled appendage!
It isn't a leaf exactly. Maybe it's more like a plain curled flower petal -- pale, faintly yellow cream.
It's so small, it's a challenge to hold it in my hand as I peer closely at it.
Each time I take more steps through the front hill garden, these slender shoots are exploding in tiny fire-works of projectile blossoms.
What are they?
I don't know yet. I have never learned them, if I would remember. They seem very new to me.
And we are in the midst of circumstance upon circumstance that feels entirely new to us.
How do you meet your most particular challenges?