Watch the Replay • Jacqueline Rendell with Megan Elizabeth Morris on this Intuitive Public TV
"Free Energy" — what's it mean? ...maybe not what you think. Let me explain... (We had such a beautiful broadcast. Come spend time with us!)
This… was a stunning miracle.
Watch this Intuitive Public TV replay for our phenomenal conversation with Jacqueline Rendell of Post Post Modern (…here’s her music! …and here’s her Substack!) on Monday’s live Simultistream broadcast.
Find more of our posts about Jacqueline and our conversations by clicking here.
Let me back up just a moment. Gotta do this right.
I should, ah, attempt to set the scene.
Shall I introduce myself? My name’s Megan Elizabeth.
This might not at first be obvious, but… I have nearly-zero capacity for reliable function.
I do what I do when I do it; I don’t do what doesn’t happen-to-end-up-happening; and I only rarely remember most of it.
My physical circumstances are much more severe than they appear on the screen.
I’m walking (dancing) on broken feet.
I am frequently, unpredictably severely ill because of digestive and other multi-system injuries to my physiology, including from a decade of compounded concussion injuries.
I have ongoing rolling episodes of disorientation and amnesia. Often, I don’t understand much about what’s going on, or can’t communicate.
I have life-threatening challenges and/or recurring “death clock events” on the daily.
Close proximity with Internet-connected devices cripples me. The EMF all around us, make no mistake, is very real radiation exposure. Too much of it really does kill the body. It doesn’t take more than a single prolonged session to make my body into crushed electrified jelly. (Yes. Ow.)
Currently, I don’t have an income of my own or a dedicated vehicle; and pending ambitious necessary rehab resourcing, I can rarely leave the house without significant risk of consequential injury or death.
Until I recover more fully from these long-term injuries, I don’t have any means of procuring survival supplies without attuned help from others. (Even the freaking mail usually poisons me.)
Not only am I not exaggerating… my descriptions are not even sufficient to complete base accuracy. My words, at each limited opportunity, are still falling short in that… as hard as I try again and again.
But I do try; and I keep trying.
Because you need to know. Because it’s happening to a lot more people around you than you’ve yet realized.
It might be happening to you, too.
Even after years of recovery striving, I am still always struggling to adequately convey how extreme the effects of these disablement intersections are… and what it’s like to keep endeavoring forward through repeated full-body re-injuries.
There are countless many of us.
I’m still not telling you enough for you to grok it.
But each time I attempt it, I know it may give you an inkling of an inkling.
So I keep going.
Okay. So, I told you all that.
This should be a hopeless situation, shouldn’t it?
I mean, especially if there’s even worse stuff I haven’t managed yet to explain. (And wow, there really is. A lot of it. The communications gap is excruciating.)
If you see me just once thrashing on the floor with my body emergency-expelling my insides from multiple orifices and simultaneous living-systems-shut-down — chances are it’ll drop you into a hell of a fugue state.
But I live with it — again and again, repeating through all these years — because it is part of my calling here on this planet to help solve it. Die or survive; collapse or thrive.
Learn to verbalize the grisly details… and deepen my capacity to build beautiful solutions. Solutions that help prevent exactly these kinds of circumstances for more others — myself, and my family, and my communities. And all communities.
Recover and prove it can be done.
You’d think it would be impossible to achieve anything from circumstances like these.
It isn’t.
Do you know why?
Free energy.
This is the part I ask you to really dwell with, please.
You in your living body, right now, are capable of regenerating free energy.
Wait, I’ve got to make that text bigger.
You in your living body are capable of regenerating free energy.
You can do it to a certain extent by yourself if you know how. And even if you are greatly suffering, it is possible to get yourself a real edge through continual practice. It might not be at all easy. It can seem inconceivable… as it has to me, and many.
But my personal experience is that it’s possible to do it anyway.
Even better… when we connect with one another.
When we bring our collaborative living skill sets together… our powers to regenerate free energy are amplified massively.
When we presence with one another… when we co-create with one another… when we honor one another… when we choose to uplift and learn from one another…
…what we’re experiencing is free energy.
This is an abundant natural gift, generously graced to us by the source of sacred life everlasting. Free… vital… nutrient-dense… living… energy.
We regenerate it. Any of us can. You. Me.
All those scary challenges you don’t know how to think about? You need free energy. And you have it.
All those impossible problems you’ve shoved into the shadow-bag of your unconscious, desperate to dissociate them from your day-to-day life? Hey, I wouldn’t keep trying to run from them if I were you. Try your courageous spirit at regenerating some free energy. Practice here in the Intuitive Network with us. You can do it.
Listen — that hard stuff I told you earlier?
Experiences like mine are not rare.
They are common.
Some especially grimy sorts of hidden influencers are making a lot of money by disabling people this way — and more and more people suddenly find themselves severely disabled and silenced; unheard-from.
And these, then… are the ones most easily preyed upon.
Environmental particulate poisoning and radiation poisoning… psycho-social engineering… conflict-seeding… propagation of fear and hatred… language co-optation, lucrative miscommunications, media-pumped mischaracterizations… professional fraud and malfeasance… predatory psychiatrization… medical labeling monetization… marketing addiction, misdirection, mass disorientation… widespread societal trauma, coercion, contemptuousness, oppression, obfuscation, and invisiblization.
By the way… we call that “human trafficking”.
It’s in the criminal’s best interests to get you to capitulate to the ambient pressures they’ve instigated. They profit when you give up, when you collapse and stay down.
But — can you believe it? (…do try…)
When you rise this way, they can’t put you down.
Free your energy.
My body hurts. I’ve been typing a long time.
But I bet you’re starting to get, now, why this is so important… and why our conversation with Jacqueline gave me such a swell of manna to persevere with.
The solutions to the worst and scariest of adversities are here, inside us. In our relationships with one another. In what we choose to grow together.
Even when all seems lost, we do this… and it stops traffic.
What does it mean to regenerate free energy as joyful living beings?
It puts near-zero reliability like mine on the significant increase.
It literally (! not figuratively — literally !) repairs living bodies.
You in your Divine emergent natural living body, without any other required implement, can do that. And you can help others with it.
You can make free energy.
We’ll show you how.
It’s why we built the Intuitive Public Radio.
NOW… after that exposition… I’m hoping… you have more of an idea what it meant…
…that I spent more than an hour on this livestream broadcast with the amazing Jacqueline Rendell. And that our broadcast unfolded so gorgeously.
Will you spend some time with us, and then share your experience of it?
Jacqueline Rendell with Megan Elizabeth Morris • Intuitive Public TV

For transcripts, resource notes, or for other file types (audio, etc.), reach out to us by emailing or by commenting on this post. We’d love to help.
Not long from now, more is coming. Keep tuning in.
The Intuitive Network is a free energy regenerator. We power it.
You power it.
Do you get, now, why I’m so grateful you’re here with us?
Our deepest gratitude to Jacqueline Rendell — for the free energy.
My incredibly brave strong warrior sister....YOU IMPRESS ME with what you're capable of and what you continue to create. Your heart is beating, your breath is moving, your feet (somehow) are dancing. And it's such a blessing and honour to share the floor with you as we magnify our free energy into miraculous healing possibilities. ❤️❤️❤️
WOW! What an amazing textual description of the pleomorphic magic I’ve been honored (& often mystified) to witness these past few years! Thank you Megan, and thank you Jacqueline for supporting, sharing, and further potentiating this amazing energy!