Yes, we're hiring. But we know you're not for hire.
We hope you know it too. If you're not sure yet, we'll set the scene for you...
The world of money is a different one than most of us have been led to believe.
Even those who have felt stabilized, or felt themselves to be stabilizing influencers in a world of misinformation, have discovered themselves profoundly miseducated.
There is not an amount of dollars — or any other mainstream-sanctioned money-based currency — that can truly compensate you for your depth of heart, meaning, care, and activation in a kindness-oriented community setting.
You are unique. Your presence is needed. We can't do this without you.
There is not any amount of money that can effectively set a value on your core of relational caring.
Your living beingness is beyond all price; the wealth of our strengthening relationships with one another as part of the living community is the most crucial form of wealth.
Honor for our ancestors and all our future generations depend on our steady, deepening understanding of this.
No matter how much money you may possess or customarily be offered for a product or service, no matter how you may be experiencing lack and hardship, no matter how financially desperate you may feel… you are not for hire.
Neither are we.
When we say “we're hiring,” we're highlighting a new and different kind of opportunity.
We're hiring. What does that mean?
Many or most of us, in fact, require mainstream money currency in order to meet certain needs. You probably do, too. This is a result of deep infrastructural co-optation that began long before any of us were born; systems of natural nourishment all around the globe have been middle-men'd and redirected to facilitate the bloated, gaseous dysbiosis of veiled, entrenched — really, fundamentally embedded — human trafficking organizations.
While we sometimes require the system-sanctioned money currencies for basic survival, there is a more powerful form of currency for us to facilitate, foment, regenerate, and engage: Relational resonance — the practice of caring for one another from a diverse panoply of interpersonal skill sets we all have access to, but have often been taught not to use.
Q. Why were we taught not to use these prime relational nourishments?
A. Human trafficking organizations have instituted a lucrative prioritization of money currency in this world of powerful, transformative, vivid, living energy flow.
It's not financially viable for a human trafficking operation to facilitate true relational nourishment when true relational nourishment powers self-realization and sovereign recovery.
True relational nourishment can heal all ills — and proves this repeatedly.
True relational nourishment activates individual and collective pleomorphic capacities.
Trafficking interests typically don't feed true nourishment to their commodities; they haven't come to understand quite yet the ways in which all of us — all of us — are connected.
This has been going on a long time.
Maybe, for reasons we could not possibly know, there was some important, honorable necessity in establishing such an extensive and lucrative prioritization.
At least... it seemed lucrative for somebody.
At the time.
When any money currency is so deeply attached to invisible harm and moral injury, overuse of the currency is a significant danger to those who rely upon it.
This danger affects those who lack awareness of how the money currency functions, those who are excluded from safe economic participation, and especially — with a particular invisibility — those who make their living by knowing and most wisely navigating large amounts of mainstream money.
It is this last category that we must tend to particularly, because people working for money in-and-near the mainstream are being brutally disregarded and shockingly mistreated when it comes to re-establishing fully honorable economic activity for all our most severely affected communities.
We're hiring.
What does that mean?
The world has made itself in many ways "for hire," not really understanding what that would ultimately result in.
And the world is asking to be hired — so many living beings, so keyed to what will bring the dollar or euro — yen, pound, franc, renminbi — not even realizing how we’ve been buying our way into more consolidated forms of social slavery.
Your resources — not only material goods, but your living body — have been positioned as "for hire" in ways that have not always been apparent. This allows hidden others to take terrible advantage of your energy and process. It is a sinking feeling; it is continuous physical damage.
How do we release ourselves from such a tangle?
We have a higher purpose in hiring.
When you choose to honor your living body and the living body of your community, there is a higher purpose in this "hiring" — all our physical resources, our living forms, our sacred sparks, and the power of our intention can be dedicated to the task of restoring natural resiliences in our community spaces.
To do this as a community — and as a network of communities — brings blessings far greater than money to individuals and families, publicly and privately.
What we thought could never stabilize... what we thought we were forced to work with, what we thought was hopeless, what we thought we could never change... then shifts surprisingly quickly.
Your body deserves to be cared for, met with respect, and honorably protected — not extracted from, manipulated, stress-tested, consent-violated, or used as a lab experiment.
We find that in order to ensure this kind of interpersonal respect, we must "hire" ourselves — each of us in relationship with our own personal resourcing — so that we can bring our gifts to the community.
When we do this, we are not for hire.
We are passion employed.
We are together and alive.
We're hiring.
As we open these income-contemplations-on-the-increase, we invite you to experience what this is like.
How does it feel to invest in healthy people, happy children, honored elders, strong bodies, thriving environments, and relational resonance with the land?
How does it feel to fully recognize our true capacities?
How does it feel to realize how much healing is possible, how much hopelessness can simply be released... washed away... creating opportunities for new, vibrant ways of living and growing?
How does it feel to experience the wealth beyond price of multi-generational family environments, regenerative resourcing, self-led vocational recovery — and continuous success in stabilizing collaborative strategies for collective well-being?
If you've read our words, you already know the answer. You’ve been doing the work all this time — and maybe hadn’t even noticed.
Chances are, you're hired already.
Do you feel how we're together in this?
Thank you for joining us.
Please let your colleagues know — we're hiring. :-)
This peace of Intuitive Copy was compiled by M. Morris (7 June 2022). More from M. Morris may be found at, by emailing, or by direct messaging
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