“What activity most often puts you in a state of effortless flow?”

"Noticing art vignettes that emerge from whatever I'm experiencing or a way that I'm expressing myself.
I might be saying something, I might be channeling poetry, I might be singing…
…I might be sitting silently.
"A lot of people are moving through what we have (maybe) been taught to call disorientation."
"…Sort of like the conversation about ‘neurodivergence’ where we say, wait a second… what are we diverging from?
Something we're not sure we want to anchor and normalize."
"Disorientation inherently colludes with an enforced orientation."
"Just as Arny Mindell reminds us — there are things that are counted, and there are things that are discounted that may be very worthy of counting."
There may be experiences called disorientation that are very worthy for us to orient ourselves toward."
"Silent stillness...
Drawing a picture, not even necessarily of a particular thing…”
“Making musical sounds of any kind, words or not…
Writing poetry from one's verbal inclinations and/or moment-to-moment spontaneous expressions…”
"My favorite flow states are not predictable — cannot be planned, except to honor and celebrate them when they show up unexpectedly."
"When I support these kinds of experiences most effectively, it tends to result in increases in other functions that are more recognized as viable and desirable in the world around me.
Might help me do some math later… communicate in (what is called) a ‘normative’ mainstream-ish way… might help me prepare a meal… clean a corner… do physical rehab that I couldn't achieve otherwise previously.”
"And I notice that being with my process about this is scary. ‘How dare you explore nonlinear modalities (!).’”
“What it takes us… to recognize and validate our experiences outside of the structures we've been told are the only acceptable ones to engage with…
…It is courageous.”
“…Especially in a world where people who follow their dream-travel-storybeingness are sometimes really harmed for it.”
"And yet the creative nutriment of it is so powerful.
We're really lucky when we realize that."
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