
278 • To Fund the Most Vital Paid Work

Intuitive Public TV! Spontaneous 10 minute Simultistream • Broadcast 11:03:33 AM Eastern, 13 January 2025

Key quotes & notes from this Spontaneous Simultistream flow fabulously forthwith.

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Quotes & notes incoming, below. Here we go.

"…There are these two categories: the work you do for money and the handouts you get for charity…"

"There are particular kinds of work that are paid for, that people can find jobs to do that they are paid for. And if that is not viable or possible… handouts for charity."

"If one cannot do those jobs, then there IS the wonderful potential of creating one's own paying work…

…IF one can do the things that are necessary in order to organize and achieve one's own chosen, most meaningful paying work."

"But we're still only talking about two categories here. We're still talking about the work that one does (if one can) for money that is paid to them… where that work is valued by people who have money.

Or… we're talking about the handout for charity that is given because we don't want to see the suffering in the world to be the way the suffering is."

"To alleviate suffering is such an important drive for so many people, not wanting to allow the suffering to simply go on, wanting to help."

"What I don't see people talking about at length…

…is how we pay one another to do the most meaningful vocational work that a person is moved to do and strengthened by doing…

in service to that person's broader collective; community body, family, region."

The work their bodies can do.

The work their bodies are already doing every day whether or not they’re paid.

"People on the ground, on the front lines… at the most extreme hardship intersections… have a premium form of professional expertise.

They are having to meet challenges and impossible situations that they're not being offered any help with generally."

"The people who are meeting these challenges are often doing a lot of extra work to show that they really need the charity handouts… when they could be paid for the work they're already doing. The work that is actually the most crucial work that they could possibly do in their community."

What a tremendous amount of wasted energy this would save all of us.

What a tremendous amount of money and time this would free up.

The collaborative outcomes would be spectacular.

"People are doing what most needs done in their communities, often without being paid for it; often with no feeling of hope that they could ever be paid for it.

But they're doing that work in exceptionally effective ways.

Because if they don't, people die."

"If we organize to pay individuals and groups to do the work that most needs done where they're at, at their unique intersections of hardship (trauma, violence, invisibility) and great challenges…

…we give them a massively improved opportunity to do that work well."

"Pay people to do the work that is most needed — that they've already been demonstrating must happen.

They've already been saving their own lives and one another's lives by doing that work. Many for years. Many for decades."

What did Gladwell say, 10,000 hours?1 That’s not even fourteen months of hours, ya’ll.

(Missed the memo on dream travel process and you want me to just count waking hours? Positing 8 hours of sleep a night, 10,000 hours is not even two years of waking hours.

People in hardship are working every minute of every day — often even when someone may think it looks like “uselessness” or play — and yes, many also in their sleep — to find ways to stabilize their intersections.

And it’s pretty rare, at severe intersections, to be getting any kind of normative, restful sleep.)

"Let's pay them to do that most needed work — instead of only ever talking about this work over here that is the only available work that... 'Oh, well, you can't do because you're disabled in this particular way, so you can't do the work... What are you going to do?'

It turns out those people have really amazing skill sets and proficiencies that are needed by their community.

And they can only scratch together a little bit of support for themselves and their community, if there's no mechanism by which they are paid to deepen, expand, share, and regenerate those forms of frontline expertise."

That’s such a rough game.

But when we optimize the Intuitive Network — we have a radically different, wondrously regenerative game we can play.

There’s a PS. Hey friends. New options and opportunities are flowing to paid subscribers nextly for Intuitive Actual. Nourishment is on the way.

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In his book entitled “Outliers: The Story of Success,” Malcolm Gladwell says something a bit like this: that achieving world-class expertise in any skill requires approximately 10,000 hours of deliberate, focused practice. Although their most necessary forms of deliberate focus are often misinterpreted, misconstrued, or mischaracterized, you can bet that people in continuous extremity, grappling with stacked emergencies, enduring compound traumatic injuries, and excluded from common societal resourcing… whose lives depend every moment on finding a solution… are putting everything they have into finding it.