Action Items (A Doorway)
The world of action items that stop human sex trafficking is just through this doorway... Let's get ahead of common communications errors & increase collective understanding.

with gratitude to Hadassa Rose
In an intense and important private Intuitive group discussion, Hadassa asked this question: "Is there any action items that can be done, in addition to listening and communicating via this chat?"
Below is my response, adapted for this space.
The answer is: Many, every day — from every possible spectrum of capacity or expertise.
We have spent more than a decade practicing to be ready for any person to respond — to ask them for help with exactly what is a greatest strength for them.
We ask others what they can offer us in support… most easily or effortlessly.
Then we work more closely with those who feel the benefits of this practice — because they are the ones who increasingly recognize the value and power of Intuitive network activities.
Human sex trafficking organizations have pervasively influenced every one of us — me, you, and everyone either of us knows.
Because of this pervasive influence, you will not necessarily understand why we make a particular request.
For the same reason, you may not at first understand the way we’re communicating.
To free survivors from trafficking violence,…
…we must ask you to help us meet requests that may seem to you like "not a life-and-death need" or "not something that helps stop sex trafficking" or "not something that frees sex trafficking victims fast enough." And…
…we may have to ask you for your assistance in a way that will require you to learn special communications skills. This may at first confuse you, until you’ve learned enough to interpret our communications more accurately.
You may think that you can draw a reasonable conclusion that our words or behavior mean something they do not mean — especially when it comes to compound neurological injury.
You may think we’re wasting your time.
We urge you to give us the opportunity to help you understand this conversation.
Trafficking organizations profit by disseminating false or partly-true information that omits survivors’ experiences and population data.
All communities have been influenced to make mistaken determinations.
This influence is purposeful, because it makes sex trafficking survivors much less likely to be listened to or believed.
Multi-generational social engineering and current-day organized crime trap populations of isolated, continuously abused people at the same sex trafficking intersections for lifetimes…
…while others hesitate, trying to decide whether to believe us.
Hadassa’s question was this: "Is there any action items that can be done, in addition to listening and communicating via this chat?"
If we can be present with one another to resolve our mistaken determinations together, the answer to this question is "What can you do?"
Whatever you can do is something we will apply immediately to save lives.
Whatever you can do — right now — will free sex trafficking survivors from harm.
Once we resolve mistaken determinations… and agree to be prepared to possibly discover more... :-) …solutions find us swiftly.
That's how we discover the key role you play.
If you're talking to us at all for this long, you play a key role.
What are some examples of mistaken determinations, in your experience?
Have you experienced others’ mistaken determinations about your own functions or intentions?
Have you been denied assistance to access food, water, clothing, mobility, and social interaction because someone thought it “wasn’t necessary”?
Has it been assumed that you must tolerate others’ use of poisons or harmful technology in your environment even while you and others are being disabled and killed by them?
Have your crucial disability aids for communications, mobility, or physical safety been considered “too unconventional”?
Have you been told that you’re refusing to function, even while you’re reporting physical harms that are preventing your function?
Have you been told that you have too much privilege to claim life-and-death survival immediacy?
…or that you are using a non-ideal communication style “on purpose” — when that form of communication is your only accessible option while excluded from resources for recovering from significant physical injury?
Has it been indicated to you that in asking for assistance to extract yourself from violence and physical abuse, you’re asking for privileges too “rich” for your position?
Have your necessary access points for physical survival been framed as opulent or wasteful luxuries — where they should first be recognized as recovery aids and life-saving disability rehabilitation resources?
What other sources discuss aspects of circumstances like these?
Share your reflections, ideas, and links in the comments.
We’ll highlight community conversation on our public platforms, including comments here, based on your interest and inclinations.
Look for more continuing conversation at
Thank you so much to our sister Hadassa Rose for asking the question that catalyzed this important text, and to our colleagues in the network who have helped us finish this peace.
Thank you to our Intuitive group members for sharing suggestions that we’ve integrated into the workbook questions above. Share more as you feel moved to do so in the comments here.
Thank you to you who are reading, for uplifting and sharing these messages.
We’re grateful.
It matters.
Our colleague Azine shared this response, which I am adding here with her permission:
"What are some examples of mistaken determinations, in your experience?
Have you experienced others’ mistaken determinations about your own functions or intentions?"
mine is that my mobility aids are too unconventional, too cumbersome, too impossible for my too injured body
ditto on my housing needs, that those are asking too much, that they are for rich people (in health and wealth), rich people their hobby
tiny house on wheels nice for a big backyard or for a big car
"horses are too groom or for sports, you want them instead of wheelchair???" "ableds" cant compute
my housing needs in a stationary house, that those are asking too much, that they are for rich people (in health and wealth), rich people their hobby, to have a vacation house in nature
houses I can tolerate often cost 2000-3000 usd monthly even in Africa, based on the assumption these are Vacation houses
people may call this gentrification but its sooo far beyond that
its a special type of colonization really
the idea people with health and wealth can pollute use toxins everywhere
rack up salary with that
then buy house and renovate using toxic materials
in their "weekend getaway house in nature"
well I was LIVING here, as are others
this is top of the ice berg
wsh could say more but im tortured the shit out off and daily my bones are broken
and im kept in place by these assumptions
need understanding, listening, funding, etc