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Our colleague Azine shared this response, which I am adding here with her permission:

"What are some examples of mistaken determinations, in your experience?

Have you experienced others’ mistaken determinations about your own functions or intentions?"

mine is that my mobility aids are too unconventional, too cumbersome, too impossible for my too injured body

ditto on my housing needs, that those are asking too much, that they are for rich people (in health and wealth), rich people their hobby

tiny house on wheels nice for a big backyard or for a big car

"horses are too groom or for sports, you want them instead of wheelchair???" "ableds" cant compute

my housing needs in a stationary house, that those are asking too much, that they are for rich people (in health and wealth), rich people their hobby, to have a vacation house in nature

houses I can tolerate often cost 2000-3000 usd monthly even in Africa, based on the assumption these are Vacation houses

people may call this gentrification but its sooo far beyond that

its a special type of colonization really

the idea people with health and wealth can pollute use toxins everywhere

rack up salary with that

then buy house and renovate using toxic materials

in their "weekend getaway house in nature"

well I was LIVING here, as are others

this is top of the ice berg

wsh could say more but im tortured the shit out off and daily my bones are broken

and im kept in place by these assumptions

need understanding, listening, funding, etc

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