Opening limited 1:1 Zoom calls for sliding scale heart-led donations, & your feedback requested.
Read here to consider enjoyable ways we might help one another. (I would so like to meet you!)
To anchor the Intuitive Economic, going forward, we'll increasingly demonstrate how we get the initial Intuitive Network income streams up and running steady.
That's how we begin to fund more of the most vital paid work.
For you who are curious — yes, you can help!
And now, in the thick of this northern hemisphere winter and with so many of our colleagues on the street without shelter, it is a time your help is most needed and desired.

Below, I've listed the top 10 gifts I am most strengthened sharing with others in 1:1 support dialogues.
I feel especially activated when helping others to…
Transform personal & professional challenges into meaningful vocational play.
Map musically creative, self-fulfilling pathways through complex situations.
Strategize for stabilized individual & collective economic recovery.
Identify leadership resources & points of leverage within existing systems.
Weave diverse personal lenses into actionable community storytelling.
Discover ways to ease conflict, miscommunication, & language barriers.
Build bridges between hardship intersections & supportive communities.
Implement practical & relational solutions in repair of disablement.
Optimize public media to celebrate the lived expertise of marginalized voices.
Innovate immersive arts for community media to grow collective understanding.
I'm offering a limited number of 30 minute recorded Zoom video (or phone, or Telegram messaging) sessions in exchange for a sliding scale heart-led donation, your answers to two short questions, and a brief note of feedback about your experience that I can share publicly.
I would love for you to base the amount of your donation on the value of your experience with me once we've completed the session — so in this case, consider sending the amount that feels right to you afterward via (If you still want to send it beforehand instead, I'm cool with that too.)
If you'd like a suggestion, gift me $1 - $1000. We also absolutely welcome larger donations when you find yourself moved to offer them.
I'm especially looking forward to meeting you face to face; and this offering is a key part of our unfolding plan. Your generosity supports implementation of our much needed community recovery programming.
Thank you for helping us transform hardship intersections into economically regenerative, vocationally meaningful, fundamentally life-honoring opportunities.
It is a great favor to me and to us. Please spread the word and reach out to me if you have questions. Gratitudes!
woot, I love this! I've priced this way before.