Mack's Memo • Intuitive Public Radio
Mack's Memo • Intuitive Public Radio Podcast
Remembrance at the Front

Remembrance at the Front

Regarding a Sufi (Multi-Faith) Practice Taught by Mark Silver at Heart Of Business

Recorded the evening of 13 August 2023 by Max Megan Elizabeth Morris.


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Good evening, dream travelers.

My neurological structures around business and marketing… around doing what I love for a living… and interacting with others in modes of networking and content creation in a professional way… 

…have been so diametrically opposed… any inkling of sharing forthrightly about crises and physical violence I might be experiencing… 

…because I and many others have been trained to dissociate from hardship in order to signal privilege. 

Signaling privilege has often been the only way of ensuring anyone would engage at all with me.

[Perhaps you, also, find this to be true for yourself personally.]

We cannot solve these challenging situational problems by dissociating.

And indeed… more and more business people everywhere… more and more entrepreneurs… more and more heart-centered marketers… are experiencing extremity.

What are our practices when we experience extreme intersections and invisible… yet incontrovertible… adversity?

I have been practicing diligently the Remembrance that Mark teaches at Heart of Business.

I do think, honestly, it may be the only reasonable approach to situations like these.

Our bodies need this kind of ceremony to anchor with something vaster and more powerful than the structures around us that are collapsing, crumbling down on top of us, leaving disasters in the wake of the violence that compounds at the most vulnerable and invisible intersections.

People who experience this, people who know about this… are left to pick up the pieces… 

…while others without the privilege of experiencing it so directly continue unawares, employing systems of economic participation that perpetuate the same problems… 

…until eventually they also come into contact with their own experiences of irrefutable extremity.

We are all on a different part of the spectrum of experiences like these. 

Some have very little contact with compoundment.

Some are in the most severe and invisible positions.

And there are many, many people somewhere in the middle — all having very different experiences.

When our present dimensionality has been made fast and brutal, hard and heavy…

…and we cannot simply try to keep up our game in the same way…

…we must fundamentally change.

We must fundamentally shift the wholeness of our energy. 

How do we do such a thing?

We travel interdimensionally; we bring ourselves into contact with the source core of all reality. We have a conversation with the Divine that opens something — that reorients us in some profound and meaningful way.

We find ourselves able to navigate this-and-that-situation that were previously unnavigable, and we find ourselves able to access resourcing we didn't even think of before — because maybe it didn't even exist in our world. 

Maybe we had to hop from plane to plane in order for these new options to become possible.

I am organizing myself to meet some intensive challenges here… by engaging this practice this evening. I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to share it with you who are listening.

There is a great deal of living vitality in this for me; a lot of depth… and a lot of meaning… because the options presented are so much more expansive than any of us were ever led to believe.

I am grateful for this marvelous thing. I wish for you to feel the benefits of it in some way comparable to how I do — because it's lit up my world with new pathways that I previously could not sense or see.

And that's magical for me.


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