Hi, have you thought about reaching out to Vocational Rehabilitation about this? They might know of someone who could help. They are often looking for employment and volunteer opportunities for their clients.
Thank you so much for your comment. We require assistance to reach out to any organization because of radically compromised neurological, physiological, and communications functions, including email, phone, and basically every other digital platform except Telegram messenger. Telegram is where we've built the Intuitive Network infrastructure, so we have disability aid features there we don't have anywhere else. We have not had any success reaching out to organizations because our communications functions fall apart before the necessary completed conversation can occur. We have been trying for many years. Do you know anyone who would assist us in reaching out to Vocational Rehabilitation or any organization? Gratitude and blessings to you.
Hi, have you thought about reaching out to Vocational Rehabilitation about this? They might know of someone who could help. They are often looking for employment and volunteer opportunities for their clients.
Thank you so much for your comment. We require assistance to reach out to any organization because of radically compromised neurological, physiological, and communications functions, including email, phone, and basically every other digital platform except Telegram messenger. Telegram is where we've built the Intuitive Network infrastructure, so we have disability aid features there we don't have anywhere else. We have not had any success reaching out to organizations because our communications functions fall apart before the necessary completed conversation can occur. We have been trying for many years. Do you know anyone who would assist us in reaching out to Vocational Rehabilitation or any organization? Gratitude and blessings to you.
I sent you a DM.