On today’s Simultistream (10AM Eastern! Daily!) we went deep detail into discussing The Language Bridge — perhaps our important Intuitive Network project.
Kim Barra, our dear friend and collaborative network co-facilitator of 2+ years, joined us spontaneously on the live video broadcast and we had a series of magical, wonderfully connective moments.
Rijon Erickson jumped in to help us test Streamyard features while we were at it — and although we only had a short time to see what was what, we learned a few things. And we’re watching for next opportunities!
Kim and I had a truly stunning, emotionally moving conversation about what we’ve achieved in the years the Intuitive Network has been growing.
Watch here, and spend some time with us:
For transcripts, resource notes, or for other file types (audio, etc.), reach out to us by emailing grow@Intuitive.community or by commenting on this post. We’d love to help.
10am-11am Eastern Time
(Yes, every morning.)
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I’m off to get my head bones re-aligned! (I’ll let you know how it goes.)
Meanwhile, please subscribe: www.IntuitivePublicRadio.network/subscribe 🌺🌿