Mack's Memo • Intuitive Public Radio
Mack's Memo • Intuitive Public Radio Podcast
Intuitive Events & Arts Immersions • Orientation & Instructions for Participation

Intuitive Events & Arts Immersions • Orientation & Instructions for Participation

Come play in the nutritive spacescape of our Intuitive network events!

In this peace, we will offer Orientation & Instructions for how to participate in our Intuitive Events and Arts Immersion experiences.

No matter where you are or what your world is like, you can join us.

Read on (or listen) to learn more.

In 2023 we are introducing the first beginner-friendly, fully guided instance of our Intuitive Public Arts Immersions: live, experiential metafictions (the true kind) in which you can participate.

Though we have facilitated many arts immersions and similarly organized events in the past, this is our first set of especially clear instructions making it possible for more participants to join in.

We are taking this step today so that you can come along with our survivors' groups in enjoying the nourishments of this solo-emergent-collaborative experience.

We’ve sown and harvested many gifts from these practices. We know you’ll appreciate them. And although it can be a startling sort of adventure… wow, it’s full of miracles, too.

Discover new forms of life and loving by exploring this creative ocean with us.

Ready to wade in the waters?

Read the Orientation that follows, then follow the Instructions below.


Start with yourself…
…notice your emergent, embodied experience…
honor and receive this inherent nourishment
…then discover new ways to connect.

Participate from where you're at and what you've got -- any time, any place.

The value of this Intuitive events method proves out most poignantly if you are isolated, severely disabled, and surviving ongoing violence.

Yet, everyone can benefit.

When you dwell with this Arts Immersion or any Intuitive event…
…no matter where you may be, or whether you have company…
…you are there in the midst of it with us.

You participate in this event by absorbing the details you can, contemplating the information at hand, and collaborating in a number of potential ways.

You might engage in a solo remote collaboration with the network. You can reach out to us to communicate about your experience and share with more of ours (for instance, by reading and commenting on a Substack article or a Telegram messenger thread) — but this is not necessary in order to be a participant.

All our Intuitive Invisible colleagues are always present, even if they are physically far away or not in communication with us at the time; and YOU, too, are welcome in the body of belonging we're creating.

You might coordinate communications and event activities with others you are in closer contact with, online or in person. For instance, you may chat about this event with those you are in contact with on the internet. Or, you may like to listen as a local group and discuss our Intuitive audio broadcasts with friends over tea and a meal in the garden. (But you don't have to do either of those things in order to be a participant. Regardless, you're still here with us.)

You might attend communications and event activities coordinated anywhere in the network, online or in person, or you might engage directly with our public platforms. For instance, you may get involved in our collaborative discussion groups on Telegram messenger and work with us to build projects related to the event. (But you don't have to. Even if you don’t — you're still here with us.)

The level at which you participate is entirely up to you. You are considered part of our gathering and celebration if you consider yourself connected to us in that way.

Even if we don't have the chance to say anything to one another.

Through the psychic mesh, we are all a body.

Thank you for being here with us in this sacred panoply.


Feel just a little more oriented?

Here are some useful instructions.


0. Notice how you feel. Honor and appreciate your experience for its uniqueness, truth, resonance, and inherent nourishment.

This is your set of moments; a fullness of you. You are learning something. You are growing; you are also part of the vibration we’re activating.

There are many of us participating from many different places and situations… and yet, there is only one who is you.

What you take from this experience is unlike any other energy in the world.

You can hold it, care for it, process it, or express it in any way that feels most right to you. It’s yours; you are deeply part of it — and you are part of the community co-facilitating it.

No matter where any one of us is… we’re here together, doing this.

Next, consider these optional additional modes of participation…

1. Write your responses to our Arts Immersion or Event invitations. You’ll find these invitations on the main page of each arts immersion or event post we introduce. If you prefer, you may like to express yourself creatively in other ways that may or may not include writing. (Dream contemplation; interpretive movement; channeled sound art; spontaneous song; or any other emergent modality that appeals to you.)

2. Publish your peace in a public post on your blog or in social media if it is text, visual art, or another form of expression that can be digitally published. If you chose a form of expression that is not possible to share on a digital platform, you might like to make a post about your experience of creating that expression instead -- writing, illustrating, or sharing about that experience in another way.

3. In your public peace, add a link to our main arts immersion or event post (for instance, the article we publish to introduce Hauntings & Hallows, our Autumn Arts Immersion 2023) so that those who encounter your post can also browse the list of links added by other participants.

4. Add the link for the post you’ve created in a comment on our main article page for that arts immersion or event. We may feature submitted peaces on our media platforms to share your work more widely with our audiences, especially if you've shared our link on your post as well. (We may also feature submitted items later on in the future, if the link you shared with us continues to be active.)

5. For best chance at a feature, post your link on our page by-or-before the deadline we suggest on the main arts immersion or event page. Submissions after that date may still have a chance of being included, but it will be less clear whether we will be able to review what you've shared. (It is worth remembering that we are severely disabled, so we don't know what we will be able to review or not. But we are excited to explore what you feel moved to share! And we will keep bringing our very best selves to this collaborative play.)

6. Browse the list of links submitted by other participants and comment supportively on their posts. Share their work with your friends and in your social media, too. Have fun. Discover miracles. Make friends!

7. Spend good grounded time in contemplation of the Intuitive Invisibles of our network who are not in a position to communicate with us directly -- and yet are participating from wherever they're at, in whatever way is most right for them, knowing they are psychically and somatically connected to us as part of the network community body. Dream care nutrients to them through the psychic mesh. Send them love and wishes of good things. Honor our collective resonance.

8. Celebrate this worthy event! Show yourself especial respect and gratitude for having made the space and time to participate in this courageous community endeavor. Your engagement in each Intuitive Event or Arts Immersion changes the living universe; your experience means something. Feel it, deepen it, and be strengthened.

Click here to see a list of Arts Immersions as we continue publishing them.
Click here to see a list of Intuitive Events, likewise.

Thank you, friends, for reading.