This morning (10AM Eastern!) on the Intuitive Public TV Simultistream was a blast.
But it was a kind of gentle, very relaxed blast. I mean, what word can I use here? It was so much fun. And we also made sure to take good care of our bodies.
I described in greater detail the wonderful work we’ve been doing with Thea Fast (Moved By Nature; Human Be Herd) who teaches wondrous Somatic Stretch classes, and who, the previous day, had led me through a session of somatic-sensing-while-walking that I found especially nourishing.
In this broadcast I also talked about what it means to endeavor to recover from complex, multi-system injuries and severely compounded health conditions that most people (and even professionals) don’t believe someone can recover from.
And yet… we’ve been seeing such miracles when we believe in ourselves, believe in one another, and attune with our bodies.
It is a subject of deep feelings for many colleagues in the Intuitive Network — and certainly for me.
Rijon Erickson kept our broadcast comments well-supplied with great resource links while we were exploring the territory of intuitive learning and rehabilitative creative modalities, including:
Arts-Based Experiential Learning •
Applied Improvisation •
(Applied Improv Network hosts a weekly Open Space on Fridays at 3p ET)Daniel Barber •
(Sound healing and a fast path to piano improvisation)
Doing these livestream broadcasts is quite challenging for where I’m at in my own recovery… but I am feeling so honored to get to be part of the resulting conversations. It is real magic, and it is fueling me.
Thank you all so much for coming by to support us.
If anyone notices me having missed comments that would be great to include here for more others to discover — or related resources — please add them to the comments on this Substack post below.
Hey there! Do you want to watch the livestream? 💖
Somatic sensing; inter-relationality; recovery after impossible odds (!); the music of experience; and shared, sacred physiology:
For transcripts, resource notes, or for other file types (audio, etc.), reach out to us by emailing or by commenting on this post. We’d love to help.
NEXT LIVESTREAM! from Intuitive Public TV occurs at
10am-11am Eastern Time — for the length of one (1) hour
— Every — Single — Morning — (you heard me).
And it’s not easy. And… I’m doing it anyway. :-)
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Peek in (and stay awhile) to find out how I’m doing.
Oh my goodness. Sheer madness!
What will happen?
Your smallest contribution makes a tremendous difference. Click here to read more about what we’re doing and how you can be involved to support this work.
Gosh. It’s Sunday. Tomorrow’s Monday.
Okay, holy moly. I’m going to get some sleep.
I’ll see you in the morning!
Cheryl Anne Ruebner — @mendingmoon on Substack — shared a portion of quoted text from my narrative in this morning's broadcast (thank you Rue!)...
"Building true relational integrity, not only with each other, but within our bodies...
We found people who had been trained in ways that erased our was years of this...
but we were able to anchor a true recovery trajectory.
It really takes a lot to start to come back from this sort of thing: awareness and connectivity to even believe in the possibility of somatic recovery, my living body, my sacred physiology.
This is Intuitive Economic... the most important work we could possibly be doing."
Original link Rue posted: 💖