It has been a very strange and serious game to review my contact lists again.
It had been a while since the previous experience of doing so.
More recently I noticed some shifts in the ways I conceive of various previous events and thought, okay, now's the time to do this.
Let's see who is where.
Let's see what conversations might be spontaneously emergent.
And once again… I find myself encountering the reality of what I have watched occurring in my communities for more than a decade now.
The disintegration of people's ability to communicate — being one major one.
The destruction of community resourcing… of shared memory…
The uncertain and vulnerable sensitivities of people enduring much more severe trauma than they have a language for expressing or processing.
This is a continuation of what we've been seeing, what we've been discussing; wondering what we can do, and noticing that these conditions are increasingly normalized — sometimes in very weird ways — where the living organisms involved just don't know how to extract themselves from it.
It becomes the sea they're swimming in. And as memory fails, it becomes more and more incontrovertibly their “natural” environment… even with that sneaking or surreptitious or striking sense of how unnatural it all actually is.
What is the place of this kind of journal entry, diatribe, or startlement line?
Where are we located in spacetime?
What is it we are blessed to contact and recognize?
From such an unsettling darkness comes dawn and sunlight.
All rich soil is made of what has broken down before it.
Though there is pain… and great challenges… our wakefulness prepares us for putting solutions to it.
Our dreaming has supremely nourished us. Even the nightmare stuff.
Here we are, all together, with meaning and purpose… at varying degrees of conscientiousness… and communications capacity… and collaborative fluency.
But here, regardless.
The shared power in that is immense.
And I'm so glad for your presence, friends.

In the Intuitive Network, I and we are bridging diverse intersections. If you find yourself resonating here in recognition, you might like to explore more of this connectivity 1:1 and in our co-creative Intuitive Network process groups via Intuitive.Social/Duo.
What are you navigating? Let me know if I can help you out — here in the comments, in a private message, or by scheduling a session.
Every dollar you share toward your preferred Intuitive Network product, service, program participation, collaboration, or outcome directly builds and strengthens Intuitive Infrastructure that is safeguarding vulnerable populations and saving the lives of severely disabled colleagues, children, elders, mothers, fathers, families, and isolated houseless individuals dearly in need of your kindness, care, and generosity.
Bless your challenges and they’ll bless you back… — MEM
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